03/31/2000 I am getting close to doing another release. I have added in download with resume, file browsing, SOCKS v4 firewall support, and user editing (thanks aaron). To finish things up before the release I need to get an interface working for download which will require adding in the preferences system (the SOCKS support needs prefs too), and I need to finish up a few things on the user editing interface to interact with networking. We are getting very close to having the entire Hotline 1.2.3 feature set completed, but the interface needs refining and the project is still in need of interface coders.

03/20/2000 Just letting everyone know the project isn't dead, I've just been busy with finals and other coding projects. I am going to rewrite the networking to use LInternetProtocol instead of LInternetProtocolAsync because it has a lot of useful features. in addition to that I am updating a lot of the interface, like getting rid of WText for a better WASTE wrapper class and migrating to WASTE 2.0.

02/14/2000 Happy Valentines day! I decided to release what is still very unfinished, but you can at least see how far I got this weekend. File browsing is started, but it only lists the root folder right now and doesn't show any icons. I also created a new bookmark format that allows you to save nicknames and icons for the server and it is backwards compatible with Hotline 1.2.3, but it doesn't help much since I don't have bookmark saving working yet. Anyway, you can download the new archive with source code and a PowerPC app here.

02/10/2000 I updated CVS with my latest changes which include several bug fixes in private chat, fixing cell selecting in the list boxes, and commenting a lot of code to make it easier for other people to see what I am doing. I also found a bug in chat that seems to cause the same chat packet to be processed over and over or something. The next release package should be ready this weekend and it MIGHT include private chat subjects, file browsing, more commented code, interface tweaks, and bug fixes. I say MIGHT because I don't know how much time I'll get to spend on it. Another change that should be coming up soon is that I'll switch to WASTE 2.0 for the editfields, and maybe do a Carbon build. This depends on how much more PowerPlant has been Carbonized since I last checked, and how long I think it will take....if it is too much trouble I won't bother. I did just get the new Carbon SDK though.

02/04/2000 New release archive! I worked very hard, and got private chat and user info working. I also started cleaning up the message system so it should crash less/not at all. 02-04-2000 Archive Release

02/03/2000 I released a new archive of the source code today. It includes some new message features, and a few bug fixes. There are still a few bugs in the message system that I am aware of, but everything else seems stable. The next release should have a lot of new features, but I am finally getting some third parties to help with the developement. 02-03-2000 Archive Release

News Archives: January 2000


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